
Food & Drinks

Archives May 2023

Dining Etiquette: A Guide to Polished Table Manners

Dining etiquette, the customary code of polite behavior during meals, plays a significant role in both personal and professional settings. It reflects one’s cultural awareness, respect for others, and social grace. In this article, we will explore the art of dining with finesse, covering essential dining etiquettes and tips to navigate any meal with confidence.

The Basics of Dining Etiquette

  1. Seating Arrangement: Wait to be seated or follow the host’s guidance. Typically, the host or hostess sits at the head of the table, and guests are seated in order of importance or as per a predetermined seating arrangement.
  2. Napkin Usage: Unfold your napkin and place it on your lap immediately upon seating. Use it to dab your mouth and hands delicately, and never tuck it into your collar.
  3. Utensil Placement: Forks are generally placed on the left, and knives and spoons on the right. Start with the utensils farthest from the plate and work your way in with each course.
  4. Table Posture: Sit up straight but comfortably. Avoid slouching, placing elbows on the table, or leaning too far back in your chair. When not eating, keep your hands on your lap.

Navigating the Meal

  1. Passing Dishes: If asked to pass a dish, pass it to the right. Avoid reaching over others; instead, request someone nearby to pass the item.
  2. Eating Soup: Spoon soup away from you and sip from the side of the spoon. Don’t slurp or make noise while eating.
  3. Bread and Butter: Break a small piece of bread, butter it, and eat it. Don’t butter the entire slice at once. Place your bread on the bread plate, not the table.
  4. Wine and Toasting: Hold the wine glass by the stem and make eye contact when toasting. A brief, appropriate toast is acceptable during formal meals.

Social Etiquette

  1. Conversations: Engage in polite and light-hearted conversation. Avoid controversial topics or any discussion that could make others uncomfortable.
  2. Thanking the Host: Always thank the host or hostess before leaving. A follow-up thank-you note is a thoughtful gesture after a formal dinner.
  3. Tipping and Payment: If you are a guest, it’s good practice to offer to contribute to the bill, but the host will often handle it. Always express gratitude if someone treats you to a meal.

Handling Difficult Situations

  1. Unwanted Food: If you encounter a dish you can’t eat due to dietary restrictions or allergies, politely decline without making a fuss.
  2. Spills or Accidents: If you spill something, quietly ask for help or assistance. Offer to pay for any damages if necessary.


Mastering dining etiquette is not only a sign of refinement but also a demonstration of respect and consideration for others. These guidelines are adaptable to various cultures and settings, allowing you to dine with confidence and poise, no matter the occasion.